Dave Hutchinson, SE

Principal Emeritus
Dave has dedicated his professional career to seeing Buehler achieve its current success. His strong leadership skills and drive to always exceed expectations have allowed him to guide Buehler from a four person firm to what it is today. He has the ability to work well under pressure and solve problems rapidly, which help him to gain the trust of those he leads both in the office and in the industry. He strives to keep commitments and exceed expectations while working creatively to allow client concepts to become a reality. Dave’s attention to detail extends to all aspects of his life both in and out of the office. He values the importance of a work life balance, and enjoys being a husband and father. He would like people to view him as a creative thinker and someone who others are happy to have around.
Joined Buehler
Favorite movie
Blazing Saddles & Caddyshack
Biggest accomplishment
Guiding Buehler to what it is today
Ride or die sports team
Las Vegas Raiders
Favorite activity outside of work
First job
Paper route