Alex Ameri Email Form

Associate Engineer

Unexpected as-built conditions are no match for Alex, who consistently solves each client’s most pressing issue in a swift manner alongside the entire design team. His master’s project at Cal Poly involved designing, fabricating, and testing a prototype base-isolation system utilizing homemade manufacturing equipment, creating something in the process that would normally be completely inaccessible to the average homeowner. Alex is passionate about working collaboratively with others in pursuit of something larger than any one person could realistically achieve on their own. He is acutely aware of the idiom “two sides of the same coin” due to his proficiency with music genres and four-stringed instruments, including classical (violin) and metal (bass).

Joined Buehler


Favorite movie


First job

Resident Advisor

Favorite activity outside of work

Playing board games with friends

Ride or die sports team

Golden State Warriors

Biggest pet peeve

Steak cooked well done