Salt River Project - Mid-Rise Infill Building

Tempe, Arizona

As one of Arizona’s largest utilities, the Salt River Project (SRP) began harnessing the Salt River and generating power from it in 1911. The five-story Mid-Rise Infill project is the latest expansion of the SRP Headquarters facility in Tempe, Arizona. The expansion ties into the existing construction on three sides and is limited to the story heights of those existing conditions. This expansion will be used as swing space for four more phases of renovation to the existing building. The need for wide open flexibility of future users lent itself toward a bidirectional steel moment frame lateral system and large bay sizes. Buehler provided multiple options to optimize the steel solution and keep the design-build team on budget.

Quick Facts

  • Size: 200,000 SF
  • Architect: Corgan
  • Idiosyncrasies in the existing floor elevations and locations required adaptive solutions and extensive field interaction
  • Construction Cost: Confidential
  • Contractor: Mortenson
  • The National Weather Service leases space in the building and utilizes the rooftop as one of its Southwest data collection stations to launch balloons that travel up into the upper atmosphere


  • 2017 SEAOA Excellence in Structural Engineering Award for New Construction

Photo credit: Mortenson