Lincoln Plaza
Sacramento, CA
Before it became en vogue, Lincoln Plaza exemplified sustainable architecture and the living workplace environment in a five story landscape terraced concrete office structure constructed for the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). The structural skeleton included concrete post-tensioned beams and slabs that were strategically cast in a checkerboard sequence to accommodate local shrinkage and to globally eliminate the need for expansion joints in the over 330 foot wide by 690 foot long structure. Encompassing two full city blocks, the design of the landscaped roof areas at each level incorporate trees that provide shade while minimizing water use and reducing heat gain thereby increasing energy efficiency. The building is often recognized as one of the finest examples of architecture in Sacramento.

Quick Facts
- Size: 540,000 SF
- Architect: Dreyfuss + Blackford Architecture
- The first concrete post-tensioned moment space frame using a 30’ x 60’ grid utilizing more than 4,000 yards of concrete
- Lower level parking has extensive drainage system due to site proximity to Sacramento River
- Construction Cost: $81,000,000
- Contractor: NVE / Sundt Construction
- EPDM membranes under plastic crate drainage cells, geotextile fabric and light weight soils produce the interior and exterior planting areas
- Foundation contains 25 miles of pre-stressed concrete piling to bearing strata 80 feet below-grade
- SEAOC 75th Anniversary Celebration of Excellence Achievements Award
- Concrete Post-Tensioned Institute - National Structural Excellence Award
- 1987 PCI Excellence in Architectural and Engineering Design
Photo credit: Dreyfuss + Blackford Architecture