Folsom Lake College Harris Center for the Arts
Folsom, CA
The Harris Center for the Arts located at the Folsom Lake College campus of the Los Rios Community College District is more than just a school facility, it is a community facility as well. Originally named “Three Stages,” the facility consists of three distinct theaters; an 800-seat main theater, the 200-seat City Studio, and a 100-seat recital hall. Also included are an art gallery, recording studio, rehearsal spaces, costume and scene shops, and a director’s studio. The Harris Center draws audiences from all over the region for various community productions as well as headlining acts. Extensive collaboration between structural, architectural, theatrical, acoustical, mechanical, and electrical consultants enabled the program requirements to be achieved, while delivering the project within budget.

Quick Facts
- Size: 78,000 SF
- Architect: LPAS
- “The project is the most complex structure ever submitted to DSA Sacramento to date.” – Jim Hackett, Division of the State Architect
- Throughout the design process, the design team met with the Division of the State Architect (DSA) to obtain preliminary approval on significant structural design elements, in order to streamline the back check process of the Construction Document submittal
- Construction Cost: $50,000,000
- Contractor: Kitchell
- The steel braced framed structure was designed using a response spectrum dynamic lateral analysis to maximize the efficiency of the structural framing
- 2011 ASCE Sacramento Chapter -Structural Project of the Year
- 2011 Sacramento Regional Builders - Project of the Year
- 2011 Community College Facility Coalition (CCFC) - Design Excellence Award
- 2011 American School & University - Outstanding Building Award
- 2011 PCBC - Gold Nugget Merit Award

Photo credit: Matt Battershell